"if you love to be 100, i want to live to be 100, minus one day so i never have to live without you." --- POOH
I'm Melissa Sharmie L. Huelar
Eighteen years old
Proud Filipina :)
Happy. Contented. Brave. Fearless. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Unpredictable. Loud. Strange. Moody. Optimistic. Good Listener. Hyper. Friendly. Sarcastic. Immature. Happy - Go - Lucky. Cheesy. Snobbish. Secretive. Time Waster. Daring. Stubborn. Ambitious. Observant. Loyal. Talkative. Emotional. Highly Motivated.
LIKES: PHOTOGRAPHY. BEARS. CHOCOLATES. ICE CREAM. Panda. Typography. Doodles. Cupcakes. Vintage. Retro. Fashion. Frappe. Pasta. Chicken. Fries. Sunsets. Sunrise. Starry Skies. Hugs. Movie Marathon. Blue. Pin