Michael Grübbeling, 48, graduate designer, has 20 years of experience in the branches of design, advertising and digital communication. Last employed as Head of Design at FCB Germany, Manager of Brand Factory and Managing Partner of Euro RSCG Gietz Grübbeling, he has been working as an entrepreneurial Strategy Consultant in Hamburg since 2001.
Michael Grübbeling has been named Senior Brand Consultant and Creative Director of wirDesign in January 2010.
Automotive: Volkswagen, Volvo
Financial Services: Advance Bank, NORD/LB
Alc. Beverages: Aalborg Jubilæums Akvavit, Danzka Vodka, Gammeldansk, Malteserkreuz Aquavit, Ouzo, Wolffer Estate Vineyard
Beverages: Carroux Caffe