Well I like playing the guitar ... also played bass in my band ... I also play the keyboard, the drums and the violin. I recorded my first EP, recently finished recording my second album = D.. I hope you like and buy them right now hahahaha xD I'm recording my third album "Miky Loves Suleyka"
I am a very quiet and reserved guy, and you could even say I'm a bit antisocial, I'm a guy who puts the mission to my own feelings, although they do have me confused, for example with ? xD.
The MosT imPorTanT phIloSopHy to MayNor'S liFe iS thAt tHe bEst Way To lIve LifE is By oNe's EmoTioNs. WheN thIngS geT seRioUs I puSheS peOplE awAy aNd iF thIngS seEm hOpeLesS I'd gIve Up mY liFe wIthOut EveN