uvyah bff & gff :]
About Me:
-hi theRe..
-em Diane RoSe CorPuz
-i'm 20 now!..not 19=))
-a fresHman..agaIn!..haha=))
-i'm going to study aT
Our Lady of Fatima University
-i'm d eldeSt
-i'm a crybaBy type..
-i useD tO crack jOkes
-i made people laUgh w/ my "baKla
-i'm alsO friEndly, i had a loT of
friEnds at scHooL
-kinDa snObbisH..huh?
-chiLdlyk, sometiMes..hehe
-i have bracEs..haha
-i have a biG mOuth, whEre i can
pUt may whOle fist in it..haha
-i love sinGing in frOnt of d
-i alSo lOve tO daNce, buT i'm nOt gOod at it..hehe
-my hEigHt is 5'2, SMALL riGht?..hehe
-i'm kinDa kiKaY, ye