I’m a woman by my heart,
And I’m proud for that,
I make my future in my hand
I use love to make a bond.
I am small, but dreams are high
I am free, free to fly.
I am cute, I am cool
I am lovely and beautiful.
I am caring, I am naughty,
I am loyal, I am witty.
I am power, I am dream
I am inspiration, I am theme.
I am tender; I express me with shy,
I can smile with a hidden cry.
I can be strong and rule the world, yes, I do!
I can be the fire of revenge too.
I can sacrifice, I can snatch.
Can form heaven on earth with a perfect match.
I am friend, I am daughter
I am wife, I am lover.
I am boss, I am teacher
I am competitor, I am sister
I am