Evidence based nutrition for the aging brainChin-Lee Chan
Courtesy of Roger Chuy, acupuncturist, LAC
Chuy acupuncture
3580-G Santa Anita Ave
Santa Fe Plaza
El Monte, CA 91731
(Esquina de Santa Anita Valley Mall)
Phone: 626-780-9829
The document discusses several aspects of the Chinese language, including differences between written and spoken Chinese, tonal languages, and the history and structure of Chinese characters. It notes that while written Chinese unifies many spoken dialects, Mandarin Chinese is the national spoken language. Around 54 spoken dialects exist in China, with major groups including Mandarin, Wu, Cantonese, and others. Chinese characters date back thousands of years and there are over 50,000 characters, with around 8,000 in common use today.
These are true story of formal and informal detective stories, including a possible direction of solving the case of about 10 thousands pigs died and were thrown into a river in China. The author is Chap-Hay Laws, MD in radiology.
43天的婴儿脫水症 A remedy for infant dying of a kind of wasting diseaseChin-Lee Chan
I hope that is a document: about a 43 days old infant with severe dehydration regained health. The remedy was prayers in the name of Jesus to God, plus feeding with beef juice, egg yolk, and banana helps infants having a similar condition to become healthy. 我希望这是一个文档:大约43天的婴幼儿严重脱水重获健康。补救办法是祈祷耶稣的上帝的名字,再加上喂养牛肉汁,蛋黄,香蕉有助于具有类似条件成为健康的婴儿。
Este documento anuncia un curso de 10 sesiones de chino mandarín que se llevará a cabo los jueves de 19:00 a 20:30 h en la Biblioteca Provincial de A Coru?a a partir del 13 de noviembre. Los socios de la biblioteca tendrán preferencia para reservar plazas presentándose el 12 de noviembre a las 10:30 h en la Sección Infantil y Juvenil con su carnet. También se podrán reservar plazas por teléfono a partir de las 11:30 h del mismo día.
El documento resume frases de cortesía comunes en chino para pedir permiso, disculparse y dar las gracias. El profesor Alejo Bekinschtein repasa estas frases en la clase 12 de la Torre de la Campana en Beijing.
Through magnified translation, close study of the first of the Ten Commandments, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Yahweh Elohim shows that human beings are expected to have three qualified gods instead of one. They are Elohim, the Spirit of Elohim, and the Image of Elohim as mentioned in the beginning of the Hebrew Bible, Genesis 1:1-2 and 27.
Este documento presenta una lección de repaso de vocabulario y gramática china. Incluye repasos de vocales, consonantes, tonos, frases comunes y reglas para el tercer tono, con ejercicios al final para practicar los conceptos cubiertos. El profesor Alejo Bekinschtein es el maestro de la clase nivel 1.
Este documento presenta nuevas palabras y frases en chino relacionadas con el tiempo, las preguntas sobre la hora y el clima, y actividades comunes. Incluye palabras para ayer, hoy y ma?ana, cómo preguntar qué hora es y cómo está el tiempo, y frases como "por favor, di más" y "lo siento". También cubre cómo hablar del clima de hoy y actividades como hacer ejercicio, jugar al fútbol y ver espectáculos.
Este documento proporciona información básica sobre China. En 3 oraciones o menos: China es la nación más poblada del mundo con más de 1,300 millones de habitantes. Es una república socialista gobernada por el Partido Comunista de China y está compuesta por 22 provincias, 5 regiones autónomas y 4 municipalidades. China tiene 56 grupos étnicos y el mandarín es la lengua más hablada, aunque también existen otras 80 lenguas.
Courtesy of Roger Chuy, acupuncturist, LAC
Chuy acupuncture
3580-G Santa Anita Ave
Santa Fe Plaza
El Monte, CA 91731
(Esquina de Santa Anita Valley Mall)
Phone: 626-780-9829
Este documento presenta una lección sobre números, vocabulario y estructuras básicas de la lengua china mandarín. Incluye la revisión de números del 1 al 10 y sus equivalentes en chino, vocabulario común con su traducción, ejemplos de oraciones, la diferencia en los tonos y nuevos temas gramaticales como pronombres personales y el orden básico de una oración. El profesor Alejo Bekinschtein impartió esta clase de repaso para estudiantes principiantes de chino.
Este documento presenta información sobre varios países y sus respectivos idiomas. En particular, proporciona los términos chinos para país (guójiā), nacionalidad (guójí) e idioma (yǔyán). A continuación, enumera varios países como Argentina, China, Estados Unidos, Francia, Brasil, junto con sus nacionalidades, idiomas, capitales y lugares emblemáticos. El documento concluye agradeciendo al estudiante.
Este documento describe los "cuatro tesoros del escritorio" de la caligrafía china: el pincel, la tinta, el papel y la laja de tinta. Explica que estos cuatro elementos han sido esenciales para la escritura y el arte tradicionales de China durante miles de a?os. Luego guía a los estudiantes a probar escribiendo su nombre chino usando estos materiales de caligrafía.
This is an example of the enriched inductive Bible study method. The traditional 3 step inductive Bible study method is basically O.I.A. -- observation, interpretation, and application. The 6 step enrich version includes praying and empathizing. The acronym is U.O.I.E.A.Y. which stands for urging, observing, interpreting, empathizing, application, and yearning. Urging means urging God to make His words effective in our life starting from our studying His words seriously. Yearning means based on all the first 5 steps turn each verse into a prayer. May God fulfills upon you the words that you earnestly seek to experience. Amen.
43天的婴儿脫水症 A remedy for infant dying of a kind of wasting diseaseChin-Lee Chan
I hope that is a document: about a 43 days old infant with severe dehydration regained health. The remedy was prayers in the name of Jesus to God, plus feeding with beef juice, egg yolk, and banana helps infants having a similar condition to become healthy. 我希望这是一个文档:大约43天的婴幼儿严重脱水重获健康。补救办法是祈祷耶稣的上帝的名字,再加上喂养牛肉汁,蛋黄,香蕉有助于具有类似条件成为健康的婴儿。
Este documento anuncia un curso de 10 sesiones de chino mandarín que se llevará a cabo los jueves de 19:00 a 20:30 h en la Biblioteca Provincial de A Coru?a a partir del 13 de noviembre. Los socios de la biblioteca tendrán preferencia para reservar plazas presentándose el 12 de noviembre a las 10:30 h en la Sección Infantil y Juvenil con su carnet. También se podrán reservar plazas por teléfono a partir de las 11:30 h del mismo día.
El documento resume frases de cortesía comunes en chino para pedir permiso, disculparse y dar las gracias. El profesor Alejo Bekinschtein repasa estas frases en la clase 12 de la Torre de la Campana en Beijing.
Through magnified translation, close study of the first of the Ten Commandments, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Yahweh Elohim shows that human beings are expected to have three qualified gods instead of one. They are Elohim, the Spirit of Elohim, and the Image of Elohim as mentioned in the beginning of the Hebrew Bible, Genesis 1:1-2 and 27.
Este documento presenta una lección de repaso de vocabulario y gramática china. Incluye repasos de vocales, consonantes, tonos, frases comunes y reglas para el tercer tono, con ejercicios al final para practicar los conceptos cubiertos. El profesor Alejo Bekinschtein es el maestro de la clase nivel 1.
Este documento presenta nuevas palabras y frases en chino relacionadas con el tiempo, las preguntas sobre la hora y el clima, y actividades comunes. Incluye palabras para ayer, hoy y ma?ana, cómo preguntar qué hora es y cómo está el tiempo, y frases como "por favor, di más" y "lo siento". También cubre cómo hablar del clima de hoy y actividades como hacer ejercicio, jugar al fútbol y ver espectáculos.
Este documento proporciona información básica sobre China. En 3 oraciones o menos: China es la nación más poblada del mundo con más de 1,300 millones de habitantes. Es una república socialista gobernada por el Partido Comunista de China y está compuesta por 22 provincias, 5 regiones autónomas y 4 municipalidades. China tiene 56 grupos étnicos y el mandarín es la lengua más hablada, aunque también existen otras 80 lenguas.
Courtesy of Roger Chuy, acupuncturist, LAC
Chuy acupuncture
3580-G Santa Anita Ave
Santa Fe Plaza
El Monte, CA 91731
(Esquina de Santa Anita Valley Mall)
Phone: 626-780-9829
Este documento presenta una lección sobre números, vocabulario y estructuras básicas de la lengua china mandarín. Incluye la revisión de números del 1 al 10 y sus equivalentes en chino, vocabulario común con su traducción, ejemplos de oraciones, la diferencia en los tonos y nuevos temas gramaticales como pronombres personales y el orden básico de una oración. El profesor Alejo Bekinschtein impartió esta clase de repaso para estudiantes principiantes de chino.
Este documento presenta información sobre varios países y sus respectivos idiomas. En particular, proporciona los términos chinos para país (guójiā), nacionalidad (guójí) e idioma (yǔyán). A continuación, enumera varios países como Argentina, China, Estados Unidos, Francia, Brasil, junto con sus nacionalidades, idiomas, capitales y lugares emblemáticos. El documento concluye agradeciendo al estudiante.
Este documento describe los "cuatro tesoros del escritorio" de la caligrafía china: el pincel, la tinta, el papel y la laja de tinta. Explica que estos cuatro elementos han sido esenciales para la escritura y el arte tradicionales de China durante miles de a?os. Luego guía a los estudiantes a probar escribiendo su nombre chino usando estos materiales de caligrafía.
This is an example of the enriched inductive Bible study method. The traditional 3 step inductive Bible study method is basically O.I.A. -- observation, interpretation, and application. The 6 step enrich version includes praying and empathizing. The acronym is U.O.I.E.A.Y. which stands for urging, observing, interpreting, empathizing, application, and yearning. Urging means urging God to make His words effective in our life starting from our studying His words seriously. Yearning means based on all the first 5 steps turn each verse into a prayer. May God fulfills upon you the words that you earnestly seek to experience. Amen.
The written records of the revelation of the God of the Bible in the form of the 66 books were given by God progressively. He gave Moses the first five books and possibly Job as well. This presentation attempts to show that the first word of in the Hebrew version of Genesis 1 is the cornerstone word of the 66 books. It also implied the most unique nature of the three Gods -- Elohim Et in Genesis 1:1, Ruah Elohim in Genesis 1:2, and Elohim in Genesis 1:3 -- ever-living, original, not created, not made, not born, not issue, not borrowed, not part of someone else.
An Etymology of the Bronze Age Chinese Character for BlessingsChin-Lee Chan
This presentation offer an etymology of the Bronze Age Chinese Character for blessings "福" as from the account recorded in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament as in Genesis 1 and 2.
An Etymology of A Family of Ancient Chinese Characters of the Character for W...Chin-Lee Chan
林,森,霖,淋,琳,禁,麓,婪, 惏, 楚 / 椘 / 檚, 樊,懋, 彬, 焚,: 華人也是挪亞的後裔? 我們華人的祖先所聽過的神也是聖經所記載的神? This is about the Chinese bone and bronze characters that content the word in the form of two trees. These characters seem to be evidence that the people who coined the characters have the knowledge of the accounts in the book Genesis of the Bible. The Bible accounts can explain better the designs of the characters better than those of the ancient etymology book "說文解字". These correlations helps us Chinese to choose to learn more about the Gods of our ancestors and to choose to accept Them as our Gods or not. I have accepted Them and blessed by Them. I hope that this sharing is helpful to you as well.
This document provides an inductive Bible study on Romans 1:1-7. It follows 5 steps: urge, observe, interpret, empathize, and apply. The study examines key details in the passage, including that Paul wrote the letter to the Romans to provide grace and peace from God and Jesus Christ. It observes questions like who, what, when, where, why, and how. It interprets the context and does a chain of events analysis. The goal is for readers to empathize with the effort God made to secure grace and peace, and to apply the lesson by following Jesus' example of moral perfection.
English inductive bible study on Romans 1:1-6Chin-Lee Chan
Teaching about the enhanced Inductive Bible Study Method through studying the Epistle to the Romans -- from Observation, Interpretation, and Application to Urge, Observe, Interpret, Empathize, and Apply.
This is an inductive Bible study handout in Chinese on Romans 1:1-7. The outstanding position on the understanding of this study is that the spirit of holiness is about the human spirit of Jesus is sinless, righteous, and merciful like that of God the Father and therefore he was declared fully qualified as the son of God by God the Father through raising him from the dead.
This presentation is based on the 8 natural remedies mentioned in Mrs. Ellen G White's book, Ministry of Healing. It contains links to related resources. Good health to you as you apply and enhance the idea here and there today or tomorrow!
This document discusses the importance of Christians serving those in need as a demonstration of their faith. It emphasizes that true religion involves actively helping the less fortunate through acts of benevolence, such as providing for the hungry and homeless. Quotes from the Bible and writings of Ellen White support this, especially Isaiah 58 which urges loosening bonds of wickedness and sharing with the hungry. Christians are called to reproduce Christ's character of self-sacrificial love by aiding widows, orphans, and people afflicted in various ways. Only by doing works of mercy and holiness can the light of Christ shine through believers as they await His soon return.
This is a health fair conducted in Chinese health professionals as far as I know. They are like physicians, dentists, health educators, and nurses. Loma Linda is located in the San Bernandina County, California. Hope that you or your friends can be benefited by this event.
My friend emailed this Chinese presentation to me. Thanks to the presenter for the proverbial title "Good Life Is Not As Good As Good Habits". I commend the presenter for sounding warning about harmful eating habits which may seem like good life.
My maternal grandfather, Pastor Khang Kiat Tien, published this book in 1984 which "was the direct response to the challenge of an educated evolutionist who thought the book of Genesis was 'a very fine Fairy tale for children but hardly worth an adult's time!' The author sincerely hopes that as you see the beauty of the Chinese Characters, the truth found hidden there will inspire you and bring you closer to the Creator, our Lord, and our God." I quote this quote from my cousin Ida Kh'ng Wu's introducation to the book. May you also be convinced that the book of Genesis in the Bible is not a fairy tale at all but the revealed and inspired account of the Creation Fiat of the ever existed God who was and who is and who will. He is love and out of His characteristic of love He created the heavens and the Earth. And He made Adam and Eve out of love as well.
Immunization graphs by R Obomsawin 2009Chin-Lee Chan
This document contains 23 figures that graph disease incidence and mortality rates over time for various infectious diseases like measles, pertussis, tuberculosis, and influenza in countries around the world. The graphs show that for many diseases, rates declined significantly prior to the introduction of widespread vaccination programs. Some graphs also show disease outbreaks occurring in highly vaccinated populations or no clear effect from vaccination programs. The document aims to show that vaccines are not solely responsible for declines in infectious disease and that their effectiveness is uncertain.
2. The three older children are among the five currently signed up children. The right most is the related deacon
Severina. I am at the left most.
We try to raise 9,000 NT to get encourage them to work hard in reading to earn a good gift, like a tablet or a
game device.