ºÜ¸ÐÖxÉñÒ»·ÖÒ»Ã붼½oÎÒÐÒ¸£.ÎÒÏëÒªµÄ,Ä㶼½oÁËÎÒ...Thank you God and best wishes GOD BLESS US.
i<3 GOD,My Jesus;
i<3 Family;
i<3 friends
i<3 HK
I love Music,
However i could Sing, I could play piano.
I couldn't found my dreams.
My life is full of sadness.
I'm a adult, but also a child.
I always get lose,
I always needs support.
I always needs... to be loved.
Hope 1 day, i will find it.