The Names Farid...... a.K.a [Fido] ..... iM a lOoSeR....a tOtAl cOnFuSeR .... jUsT cAnT sTaNd dA pAiNs wItH nO gAiNs .... dA wOrLd wId nO gUrL ..... basically the rule of life is... its better 2 burnout then 2 fade away ...... im an angel with the devils tail …… cause heaven wont take me, n hells afraid ill take ova … ;) …… a 18 yr old guy livin a complex personality n havin fun wid it …… im deadly n depressed, im crazy n carin, sensible n stupid, shy n sophisticated, weird n wonderful …… in the end im gud n bad …… im a kool one, even ice is jealous of ME!!! ……. Im kinda hyper , doin all kinds of crazy thingz ….. sumtimz for fun, sumtimz for otherz ….. I am