i'm Muhammad Tarmizi. just call me Mizzi. im a third child of three in family. i have 2 sisters who have been married. all of my family is a teacher, except me, but i wanna be like them too. not now, but it will be done later ^_^ (lecturer, besides my work). ammiinn..
i love to see people loving her/his parents because i love parents so much (ridhonya org tua adlah rdhonya Alloh) ^_^
mau kaya, tp dah bnyak orang yg kaya. gak jd deh. hehe..
mau miskin, juga dah bnyak gelndangan, gak juga lah..
mau pintar, mau mau mauuuw..
mau jd yg terkini, mau dooong..
mau keren, hmm.. hehe..??
mau sholeh, wajib lha insyaAlloh.. ^^
mau apalagi yhaa.. hmm.. pkonya pngen jd yg terbaik buat hdup ini k