"it seems like i don't care .. but here inside me, inside my head I've been thinking of a RIGHT thing to do."
I choose to follow than to be followed.
I don't hate i dislike..
I forgive but never forget :)
I don't like talking nonsense with someone i don't know..
But i usually talk nonsense. lol
Shy and Serious type but not snobbish.
I'm actually FRIENDLY and Approachable but I'm not that easy going (i don't know y?)..
Emotionally Sensitive.. -_-
Moody ..
I like to wonder.
I'm a day dreamer.
CERTIFIED FAN GIRL ~ my head screams crazily every time i saw a video of my Idols performing Live. yay! :D
I'm a Primadonna.
I like FTIsland (Korean Rock band)
Year 1994
Lee Hongki bias.
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