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10X Engineering

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Organization / Workplace
Yerevan, Yerevan Armenia
Technology / Software / Internet
10X Engineering is a test and measurement company, systems integrator and National Instruments Silver Alliance Partner (RF and Wireless specialty). We develop and deliver custom hardware and software, flexible and high-performance Automated Test Systems (ATE) for products quality and line testing.
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STEM educational trainer kits based on NI ELVIS and NI myDAQ
STEM educational trainer kits based on NI ELVIS and NI myDAQSTEM educational trainer kits based on NI ELVIS and NI myDAQ
STEM educational trainer kits based on NI ELVIS and NI myDAQ
ADC DAC trainer kit based on NI ELVIS
ADC DAC trainer kit based on NI ELVISADC DAC trainer kit based on NI ELVIS
ADC DAC trainer kit based on NI ELVIS
仆仆仂于舒亳仂仆仆亠 仆舒仆仂-亠弍仆亠 仍舒弍仂舒仂仆亠 亠仆亟 仆舒 弍舒亰亠 NI myDAQ, NI ELVIS
仆仆仂于舒亳仂仆仆亠 仆舒仆仂-亠弍仆亠 仍舒弍仂舒仂仆亠 亠仆亟 仆舒 弍舒亰亠 NI myDAQ, NI ELVIS仆仆仂于舒亳仂仆仆亠 仆舒仆仂-亠弍仆亠 仍舒弍仂舒仂仆亠 亠仆亟 仆舒 弍舒亰亠 NI myDAQ, NI ELVIS
仆仆仂于舒亳仂仆仆亠 仆舒仆仂-亠弍仆亠 仍舒弍仂舒仂仆亠 亠仆亟 仆舒 弍舒亰亠 NI myDAQ, NI ELVIS