waNna kNow bOut me???????? my name Nur Adibah bt Halil..not adibah noor k...hehheh...but i wish i can b like her...a though,strong n confideNt women..yeah!!!hhuhuh...I'm a simple guRLz which had an ordinary life's like Others...but i wish i can make my life in an extraordiNary...huhuhu... wanna be a rich...suke mOney2..moNey cOme to me....hehhehe,,, i wan to help my family to changes our life's be more better... hopely soon...=)wish also can help other's peOple yg susah n x berkeupayaan..... I really2 LoVe my family & my cats + darwish & daNish & my LoVely abgsyg....