The document provides instructions for selecting and using sandpaper for woodworking projects. It recommends choosing three grades of sandpaper - coarse, medium, and fine - to remove imperfections at different stages. Coarse sandpaper has a grit of 40-80, medium 100-120, and fine 150-220. It also advises wearing protective gear and applying even pressure as you sand. Closed-coat sandpaper works best for soft woods, while open-coat is suitable for metals and hardwoods.
Aluminum oxide is the most popular sandpaper for woodworking, and it also works well on
metal and cured finishes.
Garnet is often used on bare wood. It wears quickly, but costs less than other sandpapers.
Silicon carbide is ideal for smoothing metals, plastics and joint compound. It is also used to
sand between coats of paint or finish, although it is not ideal for wood.
Ceramic sandpaper can be used on wood and is usually found on belt sanders.
19. 2. Select 3 grades of your sandpaper: coarse, medium and fine. A
sandpaper's grade will be indicated on the product, measured in "grit."
Coarse-grade sandpaper has grit of 40 to 80, medium-grade has 100 to 120, and
fine-grade has 150 to 220.
Coarse-grade paper is used to scratch away larger imperfections, and finer
grades are used in the last stages of detail
Grit can be as high as 600, but extra-fine sandpaper is not always necessary
21. 3
Choose a closed-coat sandpaper for soft woods and open-
coat paper for metals and hardwoods. "Closed-coat"
means that the paper is more densely covered in abrasive
material than "open-coat" products
Wear goggles and a dust mask if the project
is likely to kick up a lot of dust.
23. 2
Sand the work piece by rubbing the coarse-grade
sandpaper along it, using an equal
amount of pressure throughout.