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Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Quezon City, Philippines
Hi My name is Orville...yOu gUys can call Me Ville.I woUld liKe you to call me Ville..(""',) I'm a simple guy who wants tO live a nOrmal lIfe wiTh my FamILy, FreNds. I Love hanGing oUt wiTh my Frends anD chattINg with fREnds..hehehe.. i'm a FuNNy gUy anD i lIke JOking. I'm Serious When it comes To my sTUdies.. EveN thOUgh i tOOk a cOurse that I do Not really waNt.. It was my parents' Choice for me To takE nUrsing Course..But i wanT to make it cLear in Parenthesis, that I do nOt bLame my ParENts for Steering me in the wroNG dIrectiOn.. I tOOk that as a ChallenGe .. a Challenge That may improve me as a well Person, a good Son anD a Good Student.. anD now I aLready accepted The facT that my p