Sophie Kimmerling i will always love you RIP <3 jtm fort <3 FOREVER YOUNG
Let there be magic in your smile and firmness in your handshake <3
Cerf for life :D
3rd. Form -Mira's
Mira : Mcdonals is fat did you grow up on that?
Sara: Are you implying that she's fat?
3rd. form - middle of the night rooming with sara :
Me:(randomly geting up ) PIPER hide the magic treassure
4th Form. Outside Sushi
Noor: Upasana where is Turkey ?
Upasana: In a farm where else ?! DUUH
5th Form. Geting caught copying for a hw
Mr.Walser: So explain this to me
Alejandra: Well .. the thing is-
Patty: What a COINCIDENCE :))))
-one night befo