hyep..!!nme ak daus..stay kat puch0ng..
nie serba ckt psl dri ak..ak hapy go lucky(sometimes),ske b'b0rak,open minded,ske m'lepak (tp bkn kat kdai mamak..just lepak santai2 je-time lpk mlm), klo bole nk cri rmai g mber2..nk knl lg rpt sila larh add n rjn2 kn dri tgr..klo xiklas nk bkwn xyah lar add..just firget it..ak pown xmnt..see u
whatever be the reason but remember alwayz seek assistance through patience and it is authentic too as mentioned by Allah in the glorious Quran: 'O you who believes seek assistance through
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.