モGARY R.I.P. 16-Oct-10
Zettai Ryouiki love
We are all mad here
Are you Suffering???
Sakihokoru hana no you ni
"Tu corset es tu armadura, 叩talo apretado, respirar no es importante" Emilie Autumn
"Are you Suffering?" Emilie Autumn
"Goths have more fun" Emilie Autumn
"Got plague?" Emilie Autumn
"I don't think I've been human before" Blessed Contessa
Bad decisions make good stories
Cuanto m叩s conozco a los hombres m叩s quiero a mi perro Lord Byron
"what goes around, comes around"
You know my name, not my story
If you are going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty - Marilyn Monroe
( 垂垂)