Yajurveda first hymn says
爐爐爛爐萎爐朽爐 爐爐 爐爐項げ爐 爐項 爐爐爐む爐 爐項,
爐爐爐爛爐爐 爐爐爐爐鉦え爐伍爐 爐爐謹爐 爐爐鉦す爐 |
爐項 爐爛爐萎爐 ! 爐む 爐爐 爐爐謹爐 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐爐 爐爐鉦ぐ, 爐爐 爐爐爐爐鉦え 爐爐萎爐ムぞ爐萎爐 爐伍が 爐爛 爐伍爐 爐爛爐爛 爐朽ぞ爐迦 爐爐鉦え爛 爐爛 爐伍ぎ爛爐爐爛爐о 爐爐謹爐 爐爛 爐萎爛爐劇ぞ 爐爐 , 爐爐逗え 爐伍 爐む爐萎 爐爛 爐萎爛爐劇ぞ 爐項爐朽 |
Ohh Humans! never kill animals
because they are welfarer of yours, protect them so that you will also be protected.
爐爐 爐伍ぎ爐萎爐爐逗い, 爐むえ 爐伍ぎ爐萎爐爐逗い(Soul