My Goals is to achieve the success of mountain in Telecom Industries....
Specialties: Computer Proficiency In Software:--------
Programming Languages: C, Fox-Pro, Java,
Office Uses:- Ms Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Ms-Access),
Accounting:- Tally 5.4, 6.3, 7.2 & Latest,
Website Designing:- Html Coding, Front Page Designing,
Operating System: Windows 98, Xp, Viasta And Linux,
Data Base: Ms Access, MySql,
Web Hosting:- End To End Hosting Solution
Specialties: Computer Proficiency In Hardware:--------
Can Handle End 2 End Telecom related Hardware Troubleshoot & Deployment.
Cisco, GrandStream, Audio Code, Patton, Hyper-Media, Teles and Many More
Specialties: Computer Proficiency ...