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These are the documents telling the story of Krit project at Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute (TsAGI) at Zhukovsky, Russia and beyond. It includes the development of some math methods (bifurcation theory, continuation method, methods for computing equilibrium and periodic solutions of the systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations) and their applications in aircraft dynamics (especially for investigating critical flight regimes e.g. spin, stall, roll coupling, wing rock etc.) 亟亠 于从仍舒亟于舒ム 仄舒亠亳舒仍, 仗仂于亠仆仆亠 仗仂亠从 丐, 于 舒仄从舒 从仂仂仂亞仂 于 丶亠仆舒仍仆仂仄 舒仂亞亳亟仂亟亳仆舒仄亳亠


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M.G.Goman et al (1994) - PII package: Brief description
M.G.Goman et al (1994) - PII package: Brief descriptionM.G.Goman et al (1994) - PII package: Brief description
M.G.Goman et al (1994) - PII package: Brief description
Matlab Krit Installation Instructions (2009)
Matlab Krit Installation Instructions (2009)Matlab Krit Installation Instructions (2009)
Matlab Krit Installation Instructions (2009)
Goman, Khramtsovsky, Kolesnikov (2006) - Computational Framework for Analysis of Aircraft Nonlinear Dynamics & Control Design Based on Qualitative Methods
Goman, Khramtsovsky, Kolesnikov (2006) - Computational Framework for Analysis of Aircraft Nonlinear Dynamics & Control Design Based on Qualitative MethodsGoman, Khramtsovsky, Kolesnikov (2006) - Computational Framework for Analysis of Aircraft Nonlinear Dynamics & Control Design Based on Qualitative Methods
Goman, Khramtsovsky, Kolesnikov (2006) - Computational Framework for Analysis of Aircraft Nonlinear Dynamics & Control Design Based on Qualitative Methods


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弌..丕仂仍亠于, ..丱舒仄仂于从亳亶 (1993..2002) - 舒从亠 PII: 从仂于仂亟于仂 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍
弌..丕仂仍亠于, ..丱舒仄仂于从亳亶 (1993..2002) - 舒从亠 PII: 从仂于仂亟于仂 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍弌..丕仂仍亠于, ..丱舒仄仂于从亳亶 (1993..2002) - 舒从亠 PII: 从仂于仂亟于仂 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍
弌..丕仂仍亠于, ..丱舒仄仂于从亳亶 (1993..2002) - 舒从亠 PII: 从仂于仂亟于仂 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍
M.Goman, A.Khramtsovsky (2002) - Qualitative Methods of Analysis for Nonlinear Aircraft Dynamics Problems
M.Goman, A.Khramtsovsky (2002) - Qualitative Methods of Analysis for Nonlinear Aircraft Dynamics ProblemsM.Goman, A.Khramtsovsky (2002) - Qualitative Methods of Analysis for Nonlinear Aircraft Dynamics Problems
M.Goman, A.Khramtsovsky (2002) - Qualitative Methods of Analysis for Nonlinear Aircraft Dynamics Problems
Goman, Khrabrov, Khramtsovsky (2002) - Chaotic dynamics in a simple aeromechanical system
Goman, Khrabrov, Khramtsovsky (2002) - Chaotic dynamics in a simple aeromechanical systemGoman, Khrabrov, Khramtsovsky (2002) - Chaotic dynamics in a simple aeromechanical system
Goman, Khrabrov, Khramtsovsky (2002) - Chaotic dynamics in a simple aeromechanical system