♥♥♥Love is wEakEst wEn:
"dEr iS mOrE dOubt dAn tRust"
LoVe iS sTrOngEsT wEn:
"u LeArN 2 tRusT dEspiTe aLL dOubTs"♥♥♥
its nOt the cLothes . . .
its nOt the hair . . .
its nOt the Looks . . .
its nOt the eyes . . .
its nOt the appearance . . .
its the PERSONALITY . . .
(get 2 know ME)
I was bOrn tO be stubborn .
To bE a Little bit bitchy.
To push people to push myself.
I was taught never to take life fOr gRanted.
To live a little.
To Love with everything I had
To never give up.
To believe in my self.
But most of all. FIGHT FOR MYSELF.