"Name: Rama Apriansyah"
T.T>L: Martapura,01 Aprill 1993
Addreeess: "England"
_______I THINK ABOUT ME_______
:::: i just original and simple girl
Strange but funny....
::: i like make people laugh...Hahaha
crazy girl...wkwkwkw
:: but u must know, i HATE WAIT, DISTRUB, LIE, AND I HATE CAT SO....huhuhu
::: i like hanging out, reading, sleeping, eating, playing guitar, listening music, n sing...!!!!hahaha
::: i like ice capPucinnO!
:: love gray, brown, white, blue, green, and black. . .
::... If u want all about me...
Ask to me ajaahh...hahahaha^^