The document provides details on the layout and design of a magazine cover. The top right corner will include the date, price, and issue details. The main headline will use a sans serif font in bold red colors to stand out. The central image will be a mid-shot of a character from the movie wearing typical teenage clothing. Additional cover stories and images will be placed around the sides and bottom of the cover page.
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Magazine draft
1. We will have the date, price
and issue in the top right
corner, near to the main
The main headline will be a sans serif font so it stands out. It will also use bold
colours like red for the font colour.
The main image will be a mid-
There will be lots of
shot of one of the nerds in the
different cover
movie, wearing typical teenage stories around the
boy clothes. sides of the
magazine to show
the audience more
of what they are
expected in the
Then the main cover story at the bottom;
FILM OF 2013?! PIE?!
There will be more cover
stories this side of the page,
with other cover images
around the magazine.