0% pelit
â–ˆ10% Malas
██ 20% Galak
███ 30%gokil
████ 40% Mysteriuos
█████ 50%Smart
██████ 60% Pemalu
███████ 70% Cemburu
████████ 80% Lucu
█████████90% Setia
Full Name : Muhamad Rafly
Nick Name : Rafly or Aply
Date of Birth: Februari 25, 1995
Place of Birth: Gorontalo, Indonesia
Height: 170 cm
My Favourite Movies: Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijk
My Favourite Actress: Maudy Ayunda
My Favourite Colors: Black, Green, White
My Favourite Number: 10
Hair / Eyes : Light Black / Black
Religion : Islam
High School : SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo (SMEA), SMK Model - SBI Inves