Its Complicated
As a Person I cannot change the world but I can change the World for one Person.......!
Don't be a person evry1 wants, but be the person evry1 wants to be........!
Stop ! askin me stupid questions everytime....
Evry1 keeps on running behind askin ?'s rather than walk'n infront
₪Evry prsn tends 2 show its Good qualities through hid'n his weaknesses........₪
Bad qualities...???????????????? ^_^
Hmmmmmmm -_- hve 2 think on it b4 its too late.....! o_0
I've really got a bad habit of Trust'n people pretty easily, quickly & in no time...........!
Jst Wish'n nt 2 face or come across n Untrust worthy.......faithless famine.....