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Organization / Workplace
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Self Employed
"Tenderness & Kindness r not signs of Weakness and Despair, But Manifestations of Strength & Resolutions"
I BeLiEvE...
#I wAs BoRn InTeLLiGeNt---EdUcAtIoN rUiNeD mE
Over The Years I have Learnt...
#It iS nOt tHe sTrOnGeSt oF tHe sPeCiEs tHaT sUrViVe, nOr tHe mOsT iNtElLiGeNt, bUt tHe oNe mOsT rEsPoNsIvE tO cHaNgE.
#We mUsT nOt, In tRyInG tO tHiNk aBoUt hOw wE cAn mAkE a bIg dIfFeReNcE, iGnOrE tHe sMalL dAiLy dIfFeReNceS wE cAn mAkE wHiCh, OvEr tImE, aDd uP tO bIg dIfFeReNceS tHaT wE oFtEn cAnNoT fOrEsEe.
#WhErE yOu eNd uP iSn'T tHe mOsT iMpOrTaNt tHiNg. It'S tHe rOaD yOu TaKe tO gEt tHeRe. ThE rOaD yOu tAkE iS wHaT yOu'll lOoK bAcK oN aNd cAlL yOuR LIFE.
Users following Ramya Chandran