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Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Ukraine, Odeskaya oblast Ukraine
Microsoft/.NET Technical Consultant
Technology / Software / Internet
Approx. 6 years of experience in software development. Experience in desktop/services application development using C#/.NET Framework and related technologies (see specialties below), has experience working using TDD, SCRUM/XP as a team player role and/or a team leader role, as couch/mentor. Quick and passionate learner in new technologies, responsible, well-disciplined and self-organized team player. Participating in .NET communities in Vinnytsia and Odessa, supporting community web sites as articles author (http://msug.vn.ua) and administrator (http://usergroup.od.ua) and speaker. One of the co-founder of communities in Vinnytsia and Odessa.
Contact Details


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REST and Web API
REST and Web APIREST and Web API
REST and Web API
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N depend & cqlN depend & cql
N depend & cql