skype : revagoswami
msn :
bb pin : 23140BB4
hmmmm...complicated 2 d core ...nd i lyk it tht way.....hate bein judged..simple yet confused...tragic yet hapiee....normal yet supaaa gurl....freak nd gts freakier..i'm very down 2 earth person who loves 2 b in centre.
anger is one ov d manyyyy characteristics.....
...winnaa....believer....lurve to keep blabbering ...nd my frends hav 2 bare d brunt.....devil prevails in me....friendly to many bt at tyms wen ppl gt on my nerves i lose it....nd i literally do...oh many consider me being bitchy....nt my fault jus dem..!!!! as dey come 2 knoee me i am an angel....heheheh