I'm a girl vd right attitude 2wards life...................
i believe in myself coz i knw my strengths n weakness both.i'm very down 2 earth person who loves 2 b in centre.i'm a gud pamperer as well coz i love 2 pamper myself 4 d gud deeds dat i do n hate 2 scold....
i love 2 understand the mind n nature of the person sitting nxt 2 me.
um very loving vd every1 but vhn it comes 2 hurting me no1 cn b worst thn me!!!!
i always give the same 2 others wat they giv me(tit 4 tat)
m very arrogant at times but only 4 those who pretend 2 b same.....
m a girl who live on her own rules nd do wat she want.......no1 can stop me.m a bit emotional!!! ma very moody person nd vhn it comes 2 my a