♥ ツ a girL of simpLicity & humiLity.. sHy yet fRiendLy..
i used to be an achiever,
but nOw i Lost my cOnfiDenCe..
i sTarted tO feeL saTisFactiOn in waTeveR i dO..
i sTop beiNg cOmpeTent.. i duNno..!
i'm jUst haPpy beiNg Lyk dis..!
i am truLy an originaL person.
i have amazing ideas,
and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for me...
especially in frieNdship and LoveLyf.
Some people find me to be selfish
and a bit overbearing.
i'm a strong person.
i am well rounded,
with a complete perspective on life.
i am solid and dependable.
i am loyal, and people can count on me.
At times, i can be a bit too serious.
i tend to put too much pressu