if u like me..........
den add me as frnd...
n if not ......
den raise ur "STANDARD"
蔵仄 仄y 旅
You can make 10 friends
You can laugh with 9
You can meet 8
You can talk with 7
You can celebrate with 6
You can secret with 5
You can trust in 4
You can cry with 3
You can need 2
But you can not forget just 1
This one is me!! hehehe
-~-. .___.--.___. .-~-.
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\ `.___,卒 /
,卒 ,'`-卒', `.
/ / '\ \
,卒 / FRIENDS \ `.
,卒| FOREVER'|`.
|,卒.| |.`.|
`.__,卒.-. \ /.-. `.__,卒
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.""-.,' `.:,卒 ',.-"".