.(). ()
.( '.' )
(")_(") " Will you really grant my wish?
.造 杁Zelda杁 造.
. Sage of Wisdom.
Dark, shy and strange.
G旦ttin des Lichts, Decke mit einer der Finsternis.
I love the thunder and lightning, blood!!!! *測* rain, cloudy days, tea, ice cream, chocolate, panda, and why not? also the rabbits. :3
My favorite flower is the rose and my favorite color is black and lilac. >w>
I hate false promises. 測 測Xx
I love the sound of the violin, read and learn much, I lovin my school! XDDD
Hmm... I'm strange and bipolar. -o-U
I love videogames!! *-* as... The Legend Of Zelda, Devil May Cry, God Of War, S