Th!Nk!Ng aNd Th!Nk!Ng
! kN0w wAt u R tHInK!nG
s0 sT0p ThInK!ng !!!
... g3n3rally ppl th!nk ! look s!k of l!f3! h3h3h ..noP3.. not that, !ts just that ! hav3 my mood sw!ngs...! can b3 extr3m3ly hyp3r and 3mbarass!ng on3 sec and completely qu!te and lost the next! ! luv hanging out with frends, late n!te long dr!ves ( plz dont get wrong !deas!! ) flowerS, ChocOlates and !ce cream!! ! look up to or!g!nal ppl but ! g3t along w!th almost 3v3ryonE..!m not v3ry outspok3n and if ! dont lik3 sum1 ! k33p it to mys3lf! !m good at h!d!ng my 3mot!ons and !m proud of !t..h3h3h ...and !m D3ad scar3d of ALMIGHTY ALLAH Only