Do NOT Add Me:
1) If I Don't Know You.
2) If We Just So Happen To Have "mutual friends" and Therefore Think I Know You.
3) If We Just Met Once and You Think Therefore I Should Know You.
4) If You Just Want To Increase Your "to-stalk" List.
P.S: Do NOT Poke Me If I Do NOT Know You, Its Irritating and Rude.
ItS JuSt A MaTtEr Of ChOiCe .. TaKe It Or LeAvE It, NoT A BiG ObStAcLe (^^,) LiT Up CiGaR
(^^,) LiFe, LoVe, FrIeNdShIp, HaPpInEss, JoY AnD PlEsSuRe NeVeR MeAnT To Be HOCUS POCUS - FlY BuTtErFlY