um..........wot i am?
i bet ull noe it ASAP................
nd wot i want?
probably da whole world bt f now juz few stupid ass out ov ma way........
sm may think dat m a bitch or sm may consider me innocent bt i m wot i m nd probably nt a fake lyk ya...........
well lets c………. m basically as I always say, a li'l bit of everythin rolled into 1. Music, movies, fashion nd a masti lover.a HUGE day-dreamer,smtyms writer nd yeah hopeless in mathx :p.a lil bit ov crazyness,a lil bit ov smarty pants ,smtyms very possessive,sulky nd pretty much random ………..tryin to kill boredom[datx y I wrote such a big about-me]…………or mayb juz tryin to live ma lyf to da fullest[nd thx t