Of Course I Love Anime..
[Current Games ]
Celestia Luna : LvL 58
Audition Ayodance : LvL 27 [ Senior Dancer ]
AuditionSEA~ : LvL 18
( I'm Not A Gamers FULL !! )
Notable facts about me:
1 ) I Don't Really Like K-Pop.
2 ) I ♥ J-Pop, J-Rock, J-Trance, J-ANYTHING!!!
3 ) Do NOT EVER call me a fucking BOY. I'm probably much more mature than you are, kid.
4 ) I'm NOT your typical guy, don't think that just because you're a girl, I'll treat you like a queen, you PROVE yourself to ME first. Don't like it? Feel free to gtfo.
5 ) My favorite color is black, I ♥ roses, and I wear like, a ton of rings because I like them, that's all