Always rmbr w/ <3<3.
*Wanna be taller.
*Taylor swiffffft& Janet Devvvvlin fan.<3
*Loves my guitar!<3<3.
*Loves anything to do with music.
*Wants to meet TaylorSwift Or go to one of her concerts!
Wish list
-Another guitar- black outline fading into bluue.
-Taylor Swift concert
-Taylor Swift "speak now" wristband/ Brown leather 'lovelovelove' bracelet<3.
-earphones- beats/whatever that's nice~
-skateboard!but wouldnt know where to skate it LOL.
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甦辶甦 肘s 甦辶甦'.
畤o m留tter ho it is with.
It is 硫ULLSHIT when people makes an excuse of it
Everyone needs a