Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea Korea, South
れ 殊 襷 襷譟炎骸 炎骸襯 殊 覦覯 め
- 企至 殊 牛 褐 炎骸襯 襷り, 覲企螻 襷譟煙 襴伎讌 覦覯 め
- 9螳 IT. .谿覿.一 譴 る 誤一 蟆渚.
- 譟 覦 IT一 語/覓/蠍壱//貉ろ 蟆渚
- 螻螳 覦 覲伎 觜覦讌.
I suggest the solution how you can get more satisfactory and rewarding, with better performance in your job.
- 9 years Headhunting experience in IT, Electronics, Automotive, and Chemical industries.
- HR, Finance, Planing, Presales, Consu