Pre-confederation treaties between Indigenous peoples and settlers in Canada started as early as 1701 with Peace and Friendship Treaties. Later treaties included the Robinson treaties from 1750 which helped establish relations. The Selkirk treaty was also an important early agreement between Indigenous groups and settlers in Canada before confederation.
#3: Started making treaties in 1701The peace and friendship treaties were signed by Mi'kmaq, Maliseet and Passamaquoddy First Nations before to 1779It was made so that problems could be fixed with out violenceThese treaties also alliances which could be the difference for the Europeans powerBenefited both parties and was peace full
#4: Treaty Started in 1750The treaty was signed between the Ojibwa chiefs and the British CrownThree treaties lake superior, lake Huron 1, and lake Huron The three treaties was that they gave them the land and in return they got material goods and benefits.Lake Superior treaty was signed on September 7, 1850. The first treaty for Lake Huron was signed September 9, 1850. The second treaty for the Lake Superior region was signed on October 13, 1854.The Europeans took advantage over the natives claiming as much land as they could.
#5: In 1817, Thomas Selkirk signed a treaty with the Cree, Chippewa, and other nations.The point of the treaty was that they wouldn't be any disputes over the landThis treaty was signed in Ruperts Land. Thomas received land close to the Red River.