I Am - sweet, smart, nice, gentle, sensitive, quiet, thoughtful, deep, quirky, distant, naive, curious, random
I Want - peace, love, knowledge, balance, inspiration, fun
I Have - talent, ethic, reason, passion
I Wish - I could change for the better
I Hate - the words "dumb" and "hate"
I Fear - too much already
I Hear - more than I should
I Search - for stillness
I Wonder - endlessly
I Regret - regretfully
I Love - with all my heart
I Ache - but it is beautiful
I Always - massage all my friends' backs
I Usually - eat and enjoy healthy foods
I Am Not - a picky person
I Dance - in time...but awkwardly.
I Sing - well but quietly
I Never - say never
I Rarely - use small talk