.* accept the past. I
can never change my
past. It is already
happened anyway. All
i can do is make the
best for today. Keep moving on and keep
trying :]
* truth about me.
Actually im not ready
yet to wear hijab.
But, i will keep trying.
I dont care what
other pepolss want to say and think
bout me. Annddd for
them that still
complain itu ini
tentang sa, please, u
can't really judge me and say "eissh, kalau
mcm tu better tida
paya laa kau pakai
if sa betul'betul buka
tudung & refuse to wear hijab lagi. Then
you are the one to
blame. Maybe nanti
tiba'tiba hati sa ikhlas
mau betul'betul
betudung? Kita tida tau kan? Sa bukan
mau prove anything.
Tapi kan lebih baik