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Timur Sultanov

Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Moscow, Russian Federation Russian Federation
Product Manager / CTO
Technology / Software / Internet
I'm a product manager and I help companies bring useful and delightful products to life. I have over 10 years of experience in IT and close to IT business cases: - started as a software developer, - took part in startups, - was Head of IT of Russian Olympic Committee, - was responsible for complete cycle of government and commercial IT-products delivery. My various spheres background helps to share expertise and find most suitable ways in goals achieving. My intensity and self-discipline helps to do it in time and within budget. Soft & Tech: - Video/Audio: SonyVegas, FinalCut, Audacity - 3D: Blender, Cinema4d, - Games: HTML5, Unity3D, VR - Dev: Web, Linux, Mac, iOS, SVN, GIT...
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