The UKCCSRC innovates, leads and coordinates a programme of underpinning research on all aspects of CCS in support of basic science and UK government efforts on energy and climate change, in line with the EPSRC Delivery Plan 2011-2015.
CCUS Roadmap for Mexico - presentation by M. Vita Peralta MartÃnez (IIE - Electric Research Institute, Mexico) for the UKCCSRC, Edinburgh, 13 November 2015
Advances in Rock Physics Modelling and Improved Estimation of CO2 Saturation, Giorgos Papageorgiou - Geophysical Modelling for CO2 Storage, Leeds, 3 November 2015
Numerical Modelling of Fracture Growth and Caprock Integrity During CO2 Injection, Adriana Paluszny - Geophysical Modelling for CO2 Storage, Leeds, 3 November 2015
Assessing Uncertainty of Time Lapse Seismic Response Due to Geomechanical Deformation, Doug Angus - Geophysical Modelling for CO2 Storage, Leeds, 3 November 2015
Modelling Fault Reactivation, Induced Seismicity, and Leakage During Underground CO2 Injection, Jonny Rutquvist - Geophysical Modelling for CO2 Storage, Leeds, 3 November 2015