Lulus UAN..PT fav.. Bismillah
Hamba yang syang ma Allah N RaSullULah , AnaK YaNg SyaNG mmA pPa , KkA yaNG sYaNg aDe , TmeN yaNg SyaNg TmeN , mUriD yaNg ngHoRmaTin guRu , daN akHwaT yaNg JaGa diRinYa BwaT caLon mUjaHiDnYa =)
Im more than just d average girl.. I like to turned me up, and show the world!! cause some can talk to talk, this girl just want to rock..ahahaha.. I'm individual, Im not like everyone. I can be SOFT and SWEET or LOUDER than the radio.. I can be SOPHISTICATED or TOTTALY GO OUTTA CONTROL!!
who said I can't be worlwide? I said time is on my side..
who said I can't be ten feet tall? I said I can have it all!
life is hard or it's