This document discusses quantization in MIDI editing using FL Studio. It explains that quantization is used to align recorded notes to the tempo by fixing them to the nearest timing grid. It then demonstrates how to quantize a melody recording in FL Studio, including opening a MIDI instrument, recording the melody in the piano roll, and using the quantization tool to align the notes to the tempo grid. The document ends by reflecting on how the lesson increased understanding of quantization and its parameters.
2. Introduction
 With this presentation I’m going to show you how to quantize a midi recording using FL
Studio 10. Quantization is used to time recorded notes in the right place as our
performance can’t be completely accurate. This lesson belongs to week 2 of Introduction
to music production at .
3. Midi Instrument
ï‚š To be able to quantize our
midi recording, we need to
open a new instrument or
sound coming from a
synthesizer or plugin. In this
case I’m going to use
Nexus. In the picture you
can see how to open any
of our plugins in FL.
4. Midi Instrument
ï‚š There is a lot of presets to
use. I will just use the first
one as it is a simple melody
what I want to do. This
lesson can be done with
any other plugin.
5. Piano Roll
 Now it’s time record the
melody. We have to open
the piano roll, click in the
record button (next to
play and pause) and just
play the melody on our
MIDI device or PC
keyboard. My result was
this sound.
6. Quantization
ï‚š Once the recording is done, I
pressed ALT+Q to open the
quantizer. We can see that notes
now are fixed in the tempo lines.
Sometimes the quantizer doesn’t
give us the results we need so
we can play with some settings
like sensitivity knob to look for our
goal melody. Now the melody
sound like this.
7. Reflection
ï‚š I always preferred to use my mouse to create the perfect timed melody so I was never
really aware about how quantization works. I knew about it but just preferred to use my
mouse. With this lesson now I know more about quantization and its parameters.