M nOt liKe oTher gUys,
WrtinG thOusands Of LiNes FoR deFinInG & PraSiNg thEm Slvz . .
All abouT mE,
Dat I cAn tEll . .
A GuY wId Some DiffeRenT tHouGhTs,
A Believer oF FriEnDshiP inStead oF LOve ..
A Guitarist &
I haTe ShOw oFFs & Attitude Of thOSe StuPiD CramPz . .
hOw doN't EvEn kNow hOw tO spEll AttItUde. .
BelievEs In EnJoyINg LiFe iNstEAd oF maKiNg DiffErenCEs