<3 's
- falling asleep to the sound of rain.
- getting lost in a good book.
- Cats <3
- Guys with long hair.
- Discovering new music/bands everyday<3
- Warm freash smelling clothes from the dryer.
- 80´s Rock N' Roll.
- Finding a quote or song that describes your current situation
- Concerts/Gigs <3
- Tumblr.
- That Metal Show.
- Finding someone who gives you butterflies.
- Seeing the sun after a long day of rain.
- Catching your favorite movie on TV.
- Tattoos <--------------- THIS.
- Having your iPod shuffle to a song you've forgotten about.
- Coffee.
- When cute strangers smile at you.
And that's about it.
twitter: @toofastforloove
Tumblring all day long @