Am Juss Maslf..Sm1 Whu Iz Njyin Ha Lyf N Lykin It!Kntn met nisa,met plan,al danC,bwar,kas poz ek bn kam,etc...Get bored doing da same thgz agn n agn!
Not da 1 whu will cry for u all lyf..
H8 lies,useless convo n thoz who copy me n try 2 b me..Grr...Y copy me..T papu kv vine kuma mw taaa!!!
N yessss dunt mess wid dat B.I.T.C.H (Beautiful Individual That Creates Hell) which iz ME!!!...I cn be nice n can be ur worst nightmare as well,so watch out!!..Da bst advice 2u iz 2 gt 2 kno me well baby!!!;)))