2. There are 210 students in our school now.
They are aged between 6 and 15.
Sidika Kinaci Ilkokulu
3. Our primary school is located in a
small village called Gniazd坦w, which
belongs to Koziegowy Community
famous for its regional works - wicker
baskets, hats and many different
ornaments. There are 92 pupils aged
between 3 and 12, and 15 teachers.
Szkoa Podstawowa w Gniazdowie
4. Spi邸sk叩 Nov叩 Ves
Z叩kladn叩 邸kola sv. Cyrila a Metoda
St. Cyril and Methodius Primary School is set in the
Spi邸 region in the east of Slovakia. The Spi邸 region
is well-known and visited by tourists for its beautiful
nature - Slovak Paradise. The school is situated in
the outskirts of Spi邸sk叩 Nov叩 Ves centre. The town
Spi邸sk叩 Nov叩 Ves is cultural, administrative and
business centre of the Spi邸 region. Our school
provides basic education and fosters christian values
and foreign languages education.
6. Marconia
Istituto Comprensivo Quinto Orazio
Flacco is a big school with more than
1000 students from 3 to 13 and 110
teachers. A pre-primary school , a
primary school and a secondary school
are part of the same institute. Our
small town Marconia is in the South of