Sta su vitamini? Koje namirnice su dobri izvori vitamina?
-Cinjenica je da su ljudi od davnina shvatili da su covekovom telu potrebne odredjene supstance da bi savrseno funkcionisalo. Stari Egipcani su se hranili zivotninjskom jetrom da bi lecini mnoge bolesti. Dok su moreplovci cesto obolevali zbog nedovoljnih zaliha voca i povrca na dugim putovanjima brodom.
-Vitamini su bioloska jedinjenja koja pomazu organizmu da funkcionise.
- Covek ne moze da sintetise sve vitamine za razliku od biljaka, koje mogu. Zato su biljke postavljene za osnovu zdrave ishrane.
-Vitamini se po rastvorljivosti i hemijskim svojstvima dele na:
*vitamine rastvorljive u uljima(A, K, E, D)
*vitamine rastvorljive u vodi(vitamini B kompleksa(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12) i vitamin C)
The document contains 10 proverbs about knowledge, effort, action, patience, learning and human behavior. It advises the reader to pursue knowledge, take action now rather than postponing things, never give up, work hard as nothing comes without effort, and that patience and hard work will be rewarded. It also notes that people don't always follow through on their announcements and one should keep learning regardless of age.
PHARMACOGNOSY & Phytochemistry-I (BP405T)Unit-IVPart-1Pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine
Role of Pharmacognosy in allopathy and traditional systems of medicine
Ayurveda systems of medicine
Siddha systems of medicine
Homeopathy systems of medicine
Unani systems of medicine
Chinese systems of medicine
Subscription plan in odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
This slide will show the subscription plan in Odoo 17. A subscription plan can be used as a template for creating a new subscription for the customers. And using the subscription plan, we create a new subscription for the customers.
Q-Factor Mythology Quiz-1st March 2025, Quiz Club NITWQuiz Club NITW
The Mythology Quiz conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 1st of March 2025, as a part of the duology of quizzes for the college fest SpringSpree 2025. The set has both the Prelims and Finals which include various questions on topics related to Mythology ranging from Hindu mythology to Greek and Norse mythology!
Mayo, DG March 8-Emory AI Systems and society conference slides.pdfjemille6
Are Controversies in Statistics Relevant for Responsible AI/ML?
A central debate in statistics concerns probabilitys role: is it to control error rates (frequentist) or express belief (Bayesian)? Frequentists prioritize error control, ensuring rare false rejections and strong power to detect falsity. For Bayesians, by contrast, evidence from the data resides in the likelihood ratios, ignoring error probabilities. The replication crisis fueled criticism of statistical significance tests, which are blamed for irreproducibility. Yet, selection biasesp-hacking, optional stoppingare the real issue. Ironically, Bayesian alternatives (e.g., Bayes factors) fail to guard against these biases, leading to misguided reforms that discard crucial error control. The same data-dredged hypothesis can occur in Bayes factors, and Bayesian updatingbut without direct grounds to criticize flouting of error statistical control.
AI/ML shifts the focus away from understanding data generation to optimizing prediction. But when it comes to problems of checking if AI/ML outputs are responsible and trustworthy, I argue, error statistical considerations become relevant. Fairness hacking, and explanation (justification) hacking in XAI, like p-hacking and BF hacking, can make it easy to obtain misleading interpretations of data. Reforms from error statistics: preregistration and adjustment of error rates, are relevant for critically appraising them. I put forward a general requirement that is operable in both fields: A claim lacks warrant if little if anything has been done to detect its flawsit fails a severe test.
Collect information and produce statistics on the trade in goods using Intras...Celine George
The Intrastat system collects information on goods traded between EU member states, tracking internal commerce. This mandatory and confidential data collection is crucial for statistical research, used by researchers, decision-makers, and planners in both the public and private sectors.
How to Manage Reporting in Events of Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to Manage Reporting in Events of Odoo 18. Odoo's Event module offers robust reporting tools to help you analyze event performance and make data-driven decisions.
How to Add Notes, Sections & Catalog in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss how to add notes, sections, and catalogs in Odoo 18. You can add detailed notes to records for better context and tracking. Custom sections can be created to organize and categorize information effectively.
Breastfeeding is a fundamental right for both baby and mother, offering complete nutrition and vital immunological support. It's hygienic, economical, and shields infants from diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding fosters a strong mother-child bond, promoting overall well-being. Breastfeeding is the natural process of feeding an infant with breast milk, providing essential nutrients and immunity, promoting growth, strengthening mother-child bonding, and reducing disease risks.
Exclusive breastfeeding means feeding an infant only breast milk, without any additional food or drink for the first six months.